Use fruits rich in vitamin C to protect against coronavirus

The cure for the deadly corona virus spread from China has not yet been discovered, while the virus has wreaked havoc around the world. According to details, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also issued a high alert to all countries to be safe from the virus. The Corona virus is highly susceptible to transmission from one healthy person to another. It is important to take precautions to protect yourself from the virus. Eating food and soft drinks also cause weakness The flu is more common in infected people and children. Health experts say there is no cure yet, but to avoid the virus, avoid crowded places, including shopping centers, hotels, etc. Avoid the deadly virus. Keep masks and gloves at home, women and kitchen workers should also wear gloves to clean the meat, avoid eating raw eggs, raw cooked meat. Health experts say that fluvirus usually contains vitamin C and Immunity is also associated with a lack of immunity, so vitamin C perm Tamil natural seasonal fruit, oranges, orange mddgarsabt will prevent the flu but eat fruit gryzkryn afternoon, time to eat at night.

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