The new corona virus can also infect the lungs as well as the intestines, research shows

The new corona virus can also infect the lungs as well as the intestines, research shows

The new corona virus not only infects the lungs, but also makes its mark on intestinal cells, which is why some patients with COD 19 suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.
This was revealed in a medical study in the Netherlands.

According to research published in the medical journal Science, the new novel corona virus can invade the human stomach and replicate itself because the enzymes that the virus uses to enter cells are also found in this part of the body.

These enzymes, called S2, are also found in the respiratory system.

For this purpose, the researchers took the virus and human intestinal cells and mixed them in the laboratory.

After 24 hours, the virus invaded some cells, and after 60 hours, the number of infected cells increased dramatically.

Scientists at Erasmus MC University Medical Center said the results showed that the new Covarna virus could also increase its number in esophageal cells.

However, we do not yet know whether the virus in the intestines of COD 19 patients plays a role in further transmission to other people, and more work needs to be done on this possibility, he added.

However, this is not the first time that scientists have discovered a link between the new corona virus and the digestive system.
A study published last month in The American Journal of Gastroenterology found that some patients with the new novel coronavirus code 19 suffer from digestive problems, especially cholera, as a first symptom.

According to Haqiq, in patients in whom cholera appears as the first symptom, the severity of the disease was mild.

The researchers said the discovery was important because common cases of COD 19, such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing, often went unreported and could spread the disease to other people. ۔

But he also said that diseases of the digestive system are very common and that their victims do not necessarily have code 19, but in case of sudden cholera, one must think about the epidemic, because if not diagnosed early, this patient It can infect healthy people.

Experts say the key message is that Code 19 is not just the name of a cough or pneumonia, in fact a lot is being learned over time.
The disease can lead to heart problems, kidney damage and mental health complications.

In addition, the problem of blood clots forming in innumerable small lumps or clots has also been found in very sick people, which greatly increases the chances of death.

Experts are also puzzled by the fact that despite the drastic reduction in the level of oxygen in the blood, its effects do not appear on patients.

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