You came to America in your net

You came to America in your net

The first semester of the university and the early days, mention everywhere of Tunisia which was suffering from political instability at that time. The only thing that mattered was how a vegetable seller, fed up with the repression, set himself on fire at the crossroads, and as a result, people took to the streets and the Tunisian leader resigned in mid-January. The conversation actually began with a protest in Egypt's Tahrir Square that was the focus of much attention. Then there were riots in Syria, then in Libya, then in Morocco. The Arab region slowly went into a state of instability. Governments fell, new rulers came, and thousands died.

Although the formula was the same in every country where riots broke out and governments fell, protests, clashes and the government was overthrown, but in Syria the formula did not work. The war has been going on for nine years and millions of people have been killed. It was read somewhere that on one occasion Bashar al-Assad was ready to resign but then he decided to make Syria a battlefield with the backing of Russia which is still going on today.
Demonstrations in Egypt, Libya and Syria, and the availability of weapons by US and Israeli agencies, are not surprising. But what does a simple man know that his life decisions are made elsewhere and that is why it all started for him when a man in Tunisia committed suicide out of state repression.

Nine years later, there was an incident in the United States in which a black man was killed by state repression. It's not like this has never happened before, but it is not the answer to the reaction we have just seen. A man named George Floyd was killed by police in Mania Police on charges of forging a dollar 20 note. Demonstrations are taking place in the state of Minnesota, then in other US states and now in many European countries. The scenes from the United States are also very sad. Clashes between the state and the people continue for six days. The situation is so tense that curfews have been imposed in 40 cities, including Washington. Corna has provided an opportunity for angry Americans to vent their anger, which they used to rob shops. I don't know how long the United States can tolerate this chaos, but I do know that the United States, which has overthrown governments by carrying out coups in many countries of the world, is watching the sand coming out of its fist and is not able to do anything. The United States, which has sent troops to other countries to teach individual freedom, has now deployed troops on its streets. In the changing world, not only is sand coming out, but the world's major regions are willing to do whatever it takes. Waiting, they seem to be coming out too

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