The largest province in the country where there is a risk of petrol shortage

The largest province in the country where there is a risk of petrol shortage

In Balochistan, private companies have suspended the supply of petrol, which has led to fears of a shortage of petrol across the province. Is facing difficulties

According to private TV, President of Balochistan Petroleum Association Qiamuddin Agha said that private companies have refused to supply petrol to petrol pumps in Balochistan, only Pakistan State Oil is supplying petrol. Qiamuddin Agha said that registered petrol in Balochistan. The number of pumps is more than 250 and each petrol pump has the capacity to store 25,000 liters of petrol but at present only 10,000 liters of petrol is available. The President Petroleum Association demanded the federal government to take notice of the disruption in petrol supply Have to do

It may be recalled that the stubbornness of petrol pump owners in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, continues and since petrol became cheaper, petrol pumps across the city have been closed and an artificial shortage of petrol has arisen in the city. Is facing severe difficulties while the district administration is also showing complete silence due to the failure of government machinery. It may be recalled that after the shortage of petroleum products on the recommendation of OGRA, the owners have closed petrol pumps since yesterday. Due to which the citizens of Quetta were wandering in the scorching heat all day long in search of petrol, Akadka petrol pumps remained open on which long queues of vehicles and motorcycles were formed. What is required to take notice of?

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