Riots erupted in the United States, looting, Donald Trump ordered the army

Riots erupted in the United States, looting, Donald Trump ordered the army

WASHINGTON (Monitoring Desk) - Police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, have been rocked by riots over the killing of a black man by police. Donald Trump has ordered the military to be ready to take control of Manipolis on a four-hour notice.

According to Mail Online, this is the second time since 1992 that US troops have been deployed in a city. Rodney King was brutally beaten by police in 1992, sparking riots in Los Angeles and forcing the army to deploy. A curfew has been imposed in Manipolis, but angry protesters have broken the curfew and are clashing with police.  A 19-year-old man has been shot dead in Detroit. He is said to have been shot dead by unknown assailants, but protests have intensified over the death of the young man and others. It should be noted that a black citizen named George Floyd had died in police custody recently. An officer laid George on the ground and placed his knee on his neck, which took his breath away and he died.

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