Oil-rich country where eggs cost more than a month's wages

We look at oil-producing countries with envy, but the situation in a country like Venezuela proves that if mismanagement is rampant, then oil wealth is of no use to countries. You will be surprised to hear that the economic crisis in Venezuela has reached such a level that the price of eggs has exceeded one month's wages. According to the international news agency Reuters, the prices of 27 food items have been re-set by the Venezuelan government in recent days.

According to the report, the price of eggs, a few pieces of meat and sausage is higher than the minimum monthly wage set by President Nicolas Maduro. President Nicolas Sarkozy has recently set a minimum wage of 400,000 bolivars (Venezuelan currency), but don't be surprised to hear that the value of the Venezuelan currency has fallen to 400,000 bolivars. Only 363 Pakistani rupees. In comparison, the price of eggs, powdered milk and other basic foodstuffs is much higher.

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