Is Jahangir Tareen's politics over or will he fight back?

The FIA's investigation report on the Chinese crisis has named senior PTI leader Jahangir Tareen as one of the main culprits.
Jahangir Tareen, a close associate of Prime Minister Imran Khan and a key figure in the formation of the current government, has long been considered the party's most important leader after Imran Khan, but in recent months relations between the two leaders have soured and now The distance between the two has widened incredibly since the forensic report came to light on the orders of the Prime Minister.

Will the paths of Jahangir Tareen now separate from the PTI or will he promote insurgency within the PTI? Will they be able to continue politics or business or will they retreat? Will they have to go to jail? These are the questions that are in every language after the FIA ​​report. Urdu News has tried to find out the answers to these questions.

Jahangir is most shocked
In his immediate reaction on Twitter after the forensic report came out on Thursday, Jahangir Tareen said that he was shocked by the false allegations. They have always done business transparently. They do not have two boxes, they pay the full price to the farmers and pay all the taxes. He said he would answer every charge and be acquitted.

Urdu News tried to get his position several times but he could not be contacted. However, speaking on a private TV talk show some time later, Jahangir Tareen said that leaps have been made in the report and forensic audit. He said that they have a share of 21% of the country's sugar industry but it is not a crime but a trade.

He denied the allegations against him and said that it was necessary to find out why the decision was taken to export sugar as it was a subsidy from the state exchequer. If the decision had not been made, no subsidy would have been given. Asked who made the decision, he said the ECC had decided to ask the ECC members.
Jahangir Tareen said that politics should be made transparent. Rubbing opponents does not work and does not lead to long-term success. Unless there is teamwork, it becomes difficult to run the government. Regarding his future, he said that he is a politician and is ready for anything. Good days come and bad days come.

PTI doors still not closed for Jahangir Tareen: party spokesperson
Regarding the future of Jahangir Tareen's relationship with PTI, Urdu News contacted Shahbaz Gul, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Political Communications, who said that he represents the Prime Minister and could not comment on the matter. He said that party spokespersons would talk about whether Jahangir Tareen would stay in PTI or not.

According to PTI Central Secretary Information Ahmad Jawad, it is premature to say that Jahangir Tareen's politics with PTI is over.
 He said that the investigation report of the commission has just come and it is not a decision. The decision has to be based on that. However, even if the verdict is against Tareen Sahib, he has the option of a court.

He said that Jahangir Tareen had joined the party in 2011. It's been nine years now. No doubt he has services for the party. Why discredit them?

Despite this, Jahangir Tareen played a key role in party affairs and, according to his own claim, the distribution of tickets for PTI candidates in the 2018 elections was done in consultation with him, which led to the party's victory.
However, for a decisive majority, the PTI needed the support of independent candidates. Here once again Jahangir Tareen came into action and brought independent candidates from all over the country to his party on his private jet, as a result of which PTI got the final majority and came to power in Center, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

 Gone Despite his disqualification from the Supreme Court, Jahangir Tareen remained close to the Prime Minister and continued to attend meetings of the Federal Cabinet and became the head of the Agricultural Task Force. Due to his influence in the Prime Minister's Office, he was given the title of 'Deputy Prime Minister'.

Being an expert in agriculture, the Prime Minister allowed him to carry out reforms and affairs in the field of agriculture as he wished. He had considerable influence not only in the federation but also in Punjab.
However, after the sugar and flour crisis earlier this year, relations with the prime minister began to cool and meetings were severely curtailed.

After his name was mentioned in the FIA ​​report on the sugar and flour crisis, he was finally removed from the agricultural task force in April, after which he also openly mentioned his differences with Azam Khan, the principal secretary to the prime minister. He even said that his relationship with Imran Khan was not the same as before

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