Chinese troops capture Indian soldiers crossing the border

Chinese troops capture Indian soldiers crossing the border

Chinese forces clash with Indian forces in Ladakh: After a clash between Chinese and Indian forces in Ladakh region, an Indian patrol party fell into the hands of Chinese forces and was handed over to Indian authorities after being taken into custody. A clash broke out at Ladakh on the Border Line of Actual Control in which Chinese forces detained an Indian soldier who was later released, but the situation returned to normal after a border meeting between the commanders of the two sides. Came

According to a senior bureaucrat briefed by the Indian Army to the Prime Minister's Office on the matter, the briefing said that the situation became tense when a clash took place between the two forces at the border. However, they were later released. The Chinese forces sent back the troops and returned the seized weapons. The briefing given to the government by the Indian Army further said that the Chinese forces crossed the border into Indian territory. I managed to get in. They patrolled the Pengong Canal for a long time by motorboat. It was a severe shock, but now things are getting back to normal.

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