The word "corona" is used for a wide family of viruses

How many types of corona virus and which are the most dangerous for humans?

The word "corona" is used for a wide family of viruses that affect mammals, including birds and humans. The new corona virus the world is currently facing is called "Covd 19", which first surfaced in China in December 2019.
There are hundreds of corona viruses found in the world, but so far there are only 7 that affect humans. Four out of these seven coronary viruses show symptoms such as colds and colds in humans, while the remaining three coronaviruses carry serious risks to humans.
All 7 viruses can cause infections in the upper respiratory tract and may have symptoms like cold and cold, while other symptoms include closed nose, sore throat, cough, headache and fever. According to the End Prevention (CDC), very few corona virus systems cause complications at the lower respiratory tract, such as pneumonia. These complications are more common in children, the elderly, and people who already have an illness or lack immune strength.
In addition to the four viruses described above, the remaining three were primarily identified with infection in animals, but over time, the virus passed through evolutionary stages to humans as well.
These viruses have become a serious threat to human health.
SARS-CoV produces "Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)". According to the World Health Organization, the first patient with the virus appeared in southern China in November 2002.
It is also believed to have originated from bats and moved from there to other animals after which it infected humans.
In 2003-2002, more than 8,000 cases of it were reported in 26 countries and a total of 774 people were killed worldwide.
In mid-2003 it was controlled by quarantine and isolation. There is no patient in the world at this time, but if the virus reappears, it can seriously affect humans.
MERS-CoV has Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). According to the World Health Organization, it came to Saudi Arabia in September 2012, but later the cases of the virus came out of Jordan.

Humans have the virus infected with camels, and the virus also has the potential to transmit the infected human being closer.

More than 2400 cases were reported in 27 countries of the virus, most of them from Saudi Arabia. The virus also spread to South Korea later in 2015, affecting 186 people and causing 36 deaths.

According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDPC), in 2009 there were 200 patients infected with the virus.
SARS Coo2 is the newest virus in the Corona virus family and the infection it causes has been named COVID-19. The virus surfaced in Wuhan, China, last December, when doctors saw a sudden increase in cases of pneumonia in people.

According to reports, the virus began to spread to Wuhan's meat market. It, too, was transmitted from animals to humans, but its exact cause is still unclear.

Coved 19 is currently engulfing the world and its number of patients has reached 1.5 million while more than 116,800 people have been killed so far.

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