Corona virus major health expert's big revelation

New investigations into the corona virus are emerging daily, with coughs, colds and fevers being common symptoms of the global epidemic, but a new study has emerged, according to a report.

The report reveals that the corona virus can survive in the human eye, with reports of red or pink eyes in patients with the corona virus in March.

Most corona patients have symptoms of conjunctivitis. Research has shown that a female patient had the virus in her eyes for at least 21 days after showing signs of corona virus.
The report claims that despite looking healthy, the virus can be present in any person.

According to the report, a 65-year-old woman from China did not show any symptoms like cold and cough, but she was diagnosed with corona virus, after which it was found that the virus had affected her eye.

The woman arrived in Wuhan, China, from Italy, where she was diagnosed with the virus. The report further states that corona virus can live longer in the eye than in other parts of the body.

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