A 40- to 45-year-old woman was stranded in Madhopur area of Rajasthan last week due to a lockdown. Police temporarily detained her at a government school as there was no other quarantine center there.
India ( 27 April 2020) Corona virus epidemic is currently spreading all over the world. Every country in the world has fallen victim to it. Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. Corona virus has also set foot in India, including Pakistan, after which the destruction of corona virus continues in India. Meanwhile, a woman in a quarantine in the Indian state of Rajasthan has been gang-raped.
India is one of the worst countries to protect women. In the days of the global epidemic, it was said that such incidents may not be seen, but now only the woman in the quarantine center has been abused.
According to Indian media, a 40-45-year-old woman was trapped in Madhopur area of Rajasthan due to a lockdown last week.
A woman resident of Jaipur had sought help from the local police during this difficult time after which the police shifted the woman to a nearby quarantine center. Police temporarily shifted the woman to a quarantine center at a school as there was no one there. And there was no facility. Meanwhile, 3 local youths entered the quarantine center and raped the woman.
However, the police have taken immediate action and arrested all the accused. All three are said to be 20 years old. Police say the victim has been sent to a quarantine center where she is being tested. According to the National Crime Records Bureau of India, one woman is raped every 20 minutes in India.
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